miercuri, 10 august 2011


  A mood is a state or quality of feeling at a particular time..

The mood is our temper, our humor,our inclination...
      The mood is our disposition..
    everybody's mood depends of circumstances...depends of events...of our actions...of our words...
 ...so...moods are divided in 2 categories: negative and positive...

Let's speak about me:
    ...my mood changes often...and suddenly...
        ....my mood depends on time..depends on the 
  ...depends on the people around me...sometimes it depends on how i look..

                    ...every word,every song,every action can change my mood...

          sometimes i feel alone..ignored...cold...
            sometimes i'm irritated...i feel annoyed..
              sometimes i feel indifferent..i don't care about anything..
                sometimes i just hate this world..i can't support the people..
                   sometimes i feel depresed ..it happens when somebody hurts  me..    

                   sometimes i feel good..i forget about everything..i just have fun...
               sometimes i feel amused and suprised by the people..by all..
             sometimes i feel satisfed and enjoy every minute of life..
          sometimes i'm optimistic..i try to be hopeful..
        sometimes i'm just  happy...


    The mood have no loyalty..
The mood can be controlled...you just need to know how to do it !


“Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.”

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